Reflections Team and Phi Theta Kappa Gamma Nu chapter members delivered 2,185 food items to Our Daily Bread food pantry in Wiggins on November 1. From left, Barbara Evans of Our Daily Bread food pantry in Wiggins, Jackson Lee, freshman Reflections Team member; Morgan Allen, freshman Reflections Team member; Anna Mills, sophomore Reflections Team secretary and Phi Theta Kappa member; Anais DeJesus, sophomore Reflections Team and Phi Theta Kappa member; Kaitlyn Benton, freshman Reflections Team member; Garrett Reeder, sophomore Reflections Team vice president and Phi Theta Kappa member; and Adam Poelma, sophomore Reflections Team president and Phi Theta Kappa member.
The Reflections Team from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s Perkinston Campus held their annual food drive during October, setting a new record by collecting 2,185 food items. The previous record was 2,063 food items, which was collected last year. All items are donated to Our Daily Bread food pantry in Wiggins.
This is the 16th year the group has collected food for the community and the first year that they teamed up with the Gamma Nu Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa to collect the food items and deliver them to Our Daily Bread.
“I cannot describe the joy the volunteers at Our Daily Bread expressed when we arrived with the collected canned goods,” said Nichol Green, Reflections Team sponsor. “We know that this service project will impact the lives of so many Stone County residents during a time of year when it is most needed. I am very proud of all the work the students did for this project and hope that they realize it was about more than just collecting cans – it was about impacting lives.”
I am so proud of the Perkinston Campus Reflections Team and of Nichol Green for her work with them. After advising this group for 15 years, it is nice to know that they are in good hands! In addition, without the help of the Perkinston Campus faculty, staff and students, they would never have realized this goal. Thank you for your donations and your support!