Courtney Everman, 18, of Diamondhead, works on a bulletin board in her Early Childhood Education Technology class at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s Transitions Academy in Long Beach. Classes began on August 21, with 24 students who are earning their GED and getting 15 hours of college credit in either Early Childhood Education or Welding during the one-semester academy. Students who graduate will not only receive their GED, but certifications in the college program along with the college credit, so they can either continue college or get a job immediately.
More than 14,000 students leave the K-12 system each year in Mississippi, costing the state economy $458,302,726 in net annual costs. Only about one-third of those dropouts work or seek work, and those who do earn 27 percent less than high school graduates over their lifetime. They are 30 percent more likely to use state Medicaid and are 3.5 times more likely to be incarcerated than those who graduate. Currently, only 60 percent of the state’s ninth graders graduate from high school. These realities are crippling Mississippi’s workforce and guaranteeing a bottom-rung economy for decades to come. These dropouts are an invisible workforce who, if trained, would make Mississippi competitive in the global economy. *
Enter Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s Transitions Academy. MGCCC, already the single largest GED-awarding institution in the state of Mississippi, launched the academy this semester providing an opportunity for adults without a high school diploma to simultaneously earn a GED credential and 15 hours of college credit in a career field. Course offerings include Adult Basic Education (ABE)/GED prep and a choice of either Welding or Early Childhood Development. The best part: The academy is free for those who qualify.
“The program integrates academic skill development, career advising, work-readiness training, and occupation-specific training through ABE and college-level courses,” said Becky Layton, director of Adult Basic Education at MGCCC. “When they finish the academy in one semester, they will have completed their GED certification, will receive their first semester of college credit in a career or technical program, and will have industry certification that will help them get a job.”
Students were enthusiastic about their first week of classes, entering the doors each day with a sense of purpose. Courtney Everman, 18, of Diamondhead, said she feels fortunate to get in the academy. “I have basically lived all over the place, which made it difficult for me to finish high school,” she said. “And while I wanted to get my GED, I also wanted more. I was happy to hear that there was a program nearby that allowed me to do just that. Now, I’m on my way to college credit in a career field I know I’ll like.”
Other students saw it as an opportunity to complete something they had already started. “My parents told me about seeing a news story on the academy,” said Joseph Richards, 24, of Long Beach. “I’ve been working to get my GED for five years, and have come close but never completed it. It was so thrilling to hear that I could come here and finish my GED and get college credit at the same time.”
Layton said that once the first semester of the academy proves successful, offerings will be expanded to include Banquet and Catering Services and Business and Office Technology as college-level programs. And the Academy has already seen success with renovations being made, staff hired, and 24 students being qualified and beginning the program in a little over a month.
“This has been an incredible journey already,” Layton said. “The staff here, and the college administration, has worked very hard to make this academy a reality. We are all very excited to be getting started and want to prove what a wonderful opportunity this is for our students and for the community.”
Dr. Mary S. Graham, MGCCC president, said the college’s Career and Technical programs have always focused on training geared toward its industry partners. “We want students who are trained to do things local industries need employees to do,” she said. “The programs offered at the Transitions Academy accomplish this goal. We have sought input from industry leaders in every step of the planning for this new program.”
Already committed to its success, Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, MS, has offered entry-level jobs to the academy’s successful welding completers. Additionally, recognizing the incredible potential of the program, Ingalls donated $53,640 to purchase welding machines to train Transitions Academy students in the Welding program.
“We are extremely appreciative of the significant donation from Ingalls Shipbuilding. The equipment purchased with the donation will make the difference for students working to advance their education and learn a high-paying, in-demand trade,” said Dr. Mary S. Graham, MGCCC president “Ingalls has been a strong industry partner with MGCCC for more than 50 years, and together we have worked to implement many innovative, successful programs.”
To qualify for the academy, students must be at least 18 years old and Mississippi residents. During orientation, students will take the TABE, Compass and CRC assessments and must test out at least a seventh-grade level to enter the academy. Priority seating in each program will be given to the adults scoring highest on the assessments. Additionally, students will be required to submit to a drug test and/or a background test if required by the program they choose to enter.
“Most jobs now require a high school diploma,” Layton said. “And those with diplomas and some college have a better chance at a job and at making a significantly better salary. Add the industry certification to that, and they will have a much greater potential for success in a career and in life.”
The open house will be held on Thursday, October 2 from ??? to ??? at the West Harrison County Center in Long Beach. For more information about the Transitions Academy, call 228.563.2221 or email tacademy@mgccc.edu.
*Statistics come from Mississippi Values campaign/Mississippi Community College Board